Simon Says
Simon Says is the classic kids party game that is all about careful listening and silly actions. It is not very difficult to keep young children entertained, but Simon Says will have them organized and laughing endlessly. This game is played and loved by children all over the world and your children will be no exception.
Setup for Simon Says
The only planning you’ll need to do to play this game is to make sure that there are at least three kids. Of course, the more the merrier. This game works best with medium and large groups. This game requires no materials at all (a mother’s dream!)
Playing Simon Says
Playing Simon Says is rather simple. The oldest person (or a volunteer that you choose) in the group starts as “Simon” and stands in front of the room, facing the rest of the group. “Simon” will start instructing the group to do small tasks. If the task is prefaced by the phrase “Simon says,”then everyone in the group must execute the task. If the task is not prefaced by the phrase “Simon says,” then the group must NOT execute the task. For example: “Simon” could say the following instructions to the group:
“Stand on one foot”
“Stand on two feet”
“Simon says, stick your tongue out”
“Simon says, put your hands on your head”
“Put your tongue back in”
The group must only follow the instructions that begin with “Simon says.” If someone in the group makes an error and follows an instruction that did not begin with “Simon says,” then that person is out and must leave the game. The last person left in the group without being eliminated becomes the next Simon.