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These party games work well for adults. Click on a game title to read the details of how to prepare and play the party game.
Use your body in a team-based Rock, paper, scissors game!
An introspective activity that simulates your life choices.
Got 4 of a kind? Yell “Kemps!”
Guess which one is the lie!
An easy drinking game for college campuses!
How well does a couple know each other?
Take photos of interesting things to earn points!
Figure out who wrote the answer to the question!
As soon as the music stops, grab a seat!
Guess what people like and dislike!
Get to know people while completing your Bingo card!
A fun game involving deception and strategy!
Classic acting and guessing game – no talking allowed!
Stick out your tongue when you get four of a kind!
A guessing game with personalized clues!
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