Musical Chairs
Musical Chairs is a game which is all about speed and your reaction time. If you are the fastest one in the room, you are sure to win. However if you are not attentive, things might turn out differently! It is simple, fun and fast to play. Musical Chairs can be rather hilarious as well. It’s best played indoors in a large room free of obstacles.
Setup for Musical Chairs
You will need some way to play music loudly (mp3 player, stereo, smartphone with speakers, etc.) and several chairs (one less than the number of participants). Place all the chairs in a circular fashion, while doing the same make sure that there is enough space between all the chairs that the players can easily pass through them.
To start off the game, make sure all the players are standing behind the arrangement of chairs. Alternatively, you can also arrange the chairs in a straight row. In this scenario the chairs will be placed back to back leaving some space between them.
How to Play Musical Chairs
Once the chairs are set up and the players are in place, the organizer will now start the music. As soon as the music starts the players start circling the arrangement of chairs. Make sure that they maintain a constant speed and no one is either too fast or too slow. They will have to keep moving till the organizer stops the music.
Once the music stops, each player will try to grab an available seat and sit down in it. Because there are not enough chairs, one of the players will get eliminated.
Remove one chair after every round. Keep repeating this process until there are two players and only one chair remaining.
Musical Chairs is a simple and fun game for parties and also useful for kids. It will also be a great activity for corporate picnics etc.; it will turn grownups into kids. The best part is there is close to nothing required when it comes to preparation.